Whew! I was beat and I was very hungry. Sniff,sniff. I wondered what that smell could be. Ahhhh, the smell is getting stronger! Sweet, It's a fish. Hey, and look there are crates of them,too. Thousands of them. Wow! Now this is what I call heaven. As I walk up the ally on a very wet day, What I call humans, kept dodging in front of me. Those "humans" don't have manners. Hey look over there, a whole pile of fish. I trotted over to the huge pile of fish. Not knowing what trouble I was going into. I started to indulge myself in that heavenly tasting fish, I heard a weird sound I have never heard before, since I came from the city. Then below my paws, it felt like the ground was moving. It felt like there was a crack forming. The ground movement started to move faster, then faster. I slowly walked to the edge of what looked like a box without a top. I looked over the edge and let out and earsplitting cry. I was looking straight at the terrifying moving water. I quickly jumped as far back as possible. I looked towards the entrance from which I came. I could tell that there was no way out except to jump of the edge in what looked like freezing water. No cat is stupid to jump of the side into water. I started to walk around the fishy box like thing without a roof. I noticed that there was a dog in the front. He ignored me, I ignored him. I found a cozy spot in the corner that I could hide in a curled up. I fell asleep not knowing what lay ahead.